I want to start by saying I am a teacher who believes in POSITIVE reinforcement and that is the cornerstone of how I address behavioral and work habits concerns. I hand out FAR more positive consequences for good behavior than negative consequences for inappropriate behavior. Having said that, sometimes when expectations are not met there needs to be something in place to address that. Almost always it is a verbal redirection (or two) and then a....
CARD FLIP- You can think of this as a "formal" warning or redirection. These will be recorded in the behavior record in the Monday Folder. If your child gets a card flipped every once in awhile...it is NO BIG DEAL. Mistakes will be made. If your child is getting multiple flips in a day or in a week , you and I will get together and work on what ever is going on with them. With each card flip a student gets in a day/week, there is a layer of consequences, but for every card flip, students will fill out a.... THINK SHEET- one of these must be filled out by the student, signed by me, sent home in the Weekly Folder and then signed by the parent. It is then returned the next day. These are filled out any time a student flips a card (behavioral problems) or doesn't do homework (work habits). As long as it is returned signed and filled out with the student taking responsibility for what happened- then that is it.....end of story....no more consequences...moving on! If they have a week where they are filling out more than 2 Think Sheets....there might be a consequence such as losing their daily allowance of Bonus Bucks ($10). Follow our Dance program on Twitter @WashGTdance.
Check out this link to get to a great resource for 4th grade math. I'll also put the link in the Resources & Links page.
Math Resource page for Parents If anyone has any interesting maps, perhaps from National Geographic (they don't have to be though), and you are willing to part with them...I would love to put them to good use. I put a different map up in the hallway every month and my well has run dry. Just for an example...the last few maps I put up were one of the National Mall in Washington DC, one about endangered species around the world, and a Raleigh Greenways map. Thanks!
Have a child in my class? Welcome! I am so excited to get to know both you and your child. One thing that will help me get started with that is if you could take a couple minutes to fill out this simple information form. Thanks.
December 2015