Hello everyone,
A couple of things: 1) I sent out a conference sign up, please take a look and sign up if we haven't met already this year. If nothing on the list works for you, just contact me with a few times/dates and we'll make something work! 2) I MUST HAVE more chaperones for the field trip next week. Some trips I can get by with less than the desired amount, this is NOT one of those trips. I really need 6 adults. At last check I had 2. PLEASE consider signing up whether you have been on a field trip before or not. It's a fun day and we can't go with out more help. Thanks ahead of time for your consideration. We are currently studying multi digit multiplication and some of the homework & class work your child will be bringing home might look pretty strange. While I will be showing them the "old school " method (that is how MOST of us adults do it), I will be teaching them a few other methods as well. This serves the purpose of giving them a deeper conceptual understanding of multiplication, as well as gives them a few more "tools" in the tool box. One of the methods is known as the lattice method and the other is called area model or all partials. There is an example above. In time, your child will be able solve problems using various strategies, as well as being able to explain how they are alike/different and how they work.
"Washington Elementary is very please to host its first "Composer in Residence." Local composer, Larry Schultz is working with our Washington family to create a publishable piece of music, orchestrated for beginning strings and beginning band, to serve as our new graduation song! Mr. Schultz will be working with our students and staff in the coming weeks, but we would also like to hear from you. What makes Washington Elementary as special place for you and your family? Please send comments and stories to Mr. Reece via email ([email protected]) with the subject heading 'Music Project'. "
Hello Everyone,
I hope everyone had a nice Halloween weekend. Report cards went home today. Please send back the signed envelope (you should keep the report card) with your child as soon as possible- they get a 20 dollar bonus buck reward if they bring it back tomorrow! Now that report cards have gone out, I will get a conference sign up out in the next few days. If no dates/times on the list work for you OR you would prefer a phone conference at a different time....just let me know and we can make that happen. Thanks! |
December 2015